How would you ensure that the Metaverse is free, open, and safe?

What exactly is the Metaverse?

The Metaverse isn’t going away, and user safety is critical on all online platforms. Potential uses of the metaverse applications make it a fascinating notion, but, like anything in the tech industry, some steps must be taken to manage its usage. To safeguard users, metaverse safety elements must be carefully considered and developed. So, what specific safety characteristics are required for a safe metaverse?

The term “metaverse” isn’t new; it originally appeared in Neal Stephenson’s dystopian book Snow Crash in 1992.

It’s a word for combining virtual reality with other technology to give us a more immersive view of the online world. Rather than seeing the internet on a screen, the Metaverse is a 3D world in which we may engage.

The Metaverse offers the possibility to live in imagined worlds like we live in the actual world, initially, with virtual reality headsets or augmented reality glasses.

We’ll be able to go virtually to beautiful beaches, witness our favorite artists wherever they’re performing, try on clothes, create avatars with their own independent lives, and love relationships — you name it. You may have seen this notion addressed in Steven Speilberg’s 2018 film Ready Player One.


The meteoric rise of cryptocurrencies and NFTs (non-fungible tokens or one-of-a-kind digital items) is also part of the metaverse phenomena. It may be difficult for someone unfamiliar with this culture to grasp how worth may be found in immaterial objects. However, for metaverse lovers, virtual experiences and perceptions have actual worth.

How can anyone access Metaverse?

There is no single portal via which one may enter the Metaverse. Specialists recommend purchasing appropriate gear to get the most out of the experience. Depending on your wallet, these virtual reality headsets may be as inexpensive as the $10 Google Cardboard, as moderately priced as the $300 Oculus Quest 2 headset, or as extravagantly priced as the $999 Valve Index VR.

Baggili, a specialist in computer security, believes that the structure of the Metaverse may now be compared to that of the Apple App Store. “At this moment, you have access to various platforms that provide experiences in virtual reality, augmented reality, and extended validity. These platforms are analogous to the many applications available on the App Store. But there isn’t a single gateway that people can use to access it, similar to how Yahoo developed a portal to utilize the internet back when it was still in its infancy.

Regulations and Rules

If a virtual world needs anything, it is law and regulation. If the Metaverse is to work like the real world, with individuals digitally conversing, buying and selling assets, and participating in social activities, users must live within certain boundaries. While the concept of an ungoverned universe may seem appealing, difficult people may cause issues for other users and even render some services or games hazardous to use.

As a result, every area in the Metaverse must emphasize standards and regulations. Limits on abusive language, theft, impersonation, and other cybercrime are critical to preventing the Metaverse from devolving into a Wild West-style environment. While each metaverse area may have its own set of regulations, there must be a set of restrictions common to all metaverse projects that prevent users from taking advantage of this new technology.

There should also be laws to prevent advertisements from overwhelming users and creating an unpleasant atmosphere in the Metaverse. Repeated pop-ups and sponsored material may be incredibly annoying, so not only consumers must follow the rules, but corporations must also.

User Security

Users are the most essential components of any online platform, which will continue to be the case in the Metaverse. Users’ safety must be prioritized in this virtual environment, just as in the real world. Such precautions can take numerous forms, but providing customers with appropriate levels of privacy and security should be prioritized.

Furthermore, users should be able to complain if another user has misbehaved against them or if anything else occurs that bothers or concerns them. Allowing users to file concerns in this manner may also aid the Metaverse in improving its security measures.

Companies in the Metaverse are already working on methods to safeguard consumers from unwanted conduct. For instance, Meta’s Personal Boundary feature, which prevents users’ avatars from approaching closer than two feet apart, might prevent physical abuse.

This is just the beginning of the steps that must be done to safeguard users when they enter the Metaverse successfully. This arena might become a target for pedophiles and criminals looking to exploit users’ vulnerabilities. Thus developers must prioritize user safety.

Appropriate Sanctions

If a user misbehave or commits a crime in the Metaverse, the necessary consequences must be imposed. This gets increasingly challenging when we go from the physical to the virtual realm.

The concept of crime in the Metaverse has been extensively debated since it is difficult to discern if a virtual crime is the same as a real one. Assume, for example, if a user in the Metaverse behaved unacceptably toward another user. This might refer to aggressive language, harassment, or anything similar, but is it the same as in real life?

Of course, if a person is vocally abusive online, this might quickly be deemed verbal abuse in and of itself. Is it a crime if someone attempts to stalk or harass another user’s avatar inside the Metaverse? If so, what form of punishment should be imposed? If not, what is the user’s alternative punishment? Again, this is something that metaverse legislators and regulators must establish before letting things spiral out of control.

Identification of the User

Nowadays, it’s much too simple for someone to engage in immoral behavior online and avoid sanctions since the proper authorities can’t identify them. When people connect to the Metaverse using a VPN, identifying them when they break the law or commit a crime becomes much more difficult.

As a result, there may be a requirement for a method for a user to validate their identity before being granted entry to the Metaverse. A passport picture, birth certificate, driver’s license, or anything similar may be requested to confirm that a user is not hiding their identity.

This might also aid in preventing identity theft in the Metaverse, an increasing worry. Preserving a user’s identity inside the Metaverse should be a top priority; therefore, forcing someone to identify themselves while establishing their account and avatar might dramatically reduce identity theft. Users may also be prompted to verify their ages to prevent minors from entering dangerous areas of the Metaverse.

Restrictions on Use

When a person can join a virtual environment that is more delightful than reality, addiction may develop fast, and many people are concerned about the Metaverse’s impact on mental and physical health. We’re frequently still in the actual world with our usual online buying, gaming, and socializing. However, by immersing ourselves in another world where we might make new acquaintances, acquire new things, and land in a sense, live new lives, there is a risk of overuse if limits are not set.

Although it will be difficult to completely prevent someone from using the Metaverse if their activity levels become too high, warnings and suggestions could be implemented to notify users when they have been using the Metaverse for too long or allow users to set time limits on their usage, much like apps like Instagram and YouTube already do.

The Metaverse Is Exciting, but It Must Be Monitored

In summary, building the Metaverse without any laws or constraints might quickly become chaotic. Though it is necessary to give users a joyful and liberating experience, it is equally important to keep them secure while also stopping them from behaving immorally to make the Metaverse a safe and sustainable virtual world.

How will the Metaverse develop in the years to come?

The Metaverse may be the most fascinating new technology to capture our imaginations; nevertheless, it’s also one of the most unpredictably disruptive. We do not yet know how to utilize it to its full potential, and even more significantly, we do not know what may come out in the next few years. However, we do not yet know how to use it to its full potential. There are a lot of things that people don’t know about. Think about how little we knew about how the internet might be used to its greatest potential back in the 90s.

Even while I don’t consider myself a futurist by any stretch of the imagination, I don’t believe it’s impossible to see a future in which most people spend most of their waking hours in the Metaverse. It may seem absurd, but it is already occurring today with video games and Second Life — hundreds of thousands of people spend hours in a virtual environment.

It’s also possible that Augmented Reality could grow more widespread and eventually integrate with VR; this would make the future much more exciting in terms of its potential applications in the real world.

Even if we can’t see the future, it has little consequence. We mustn’t lose track of why we are traveling in the first place. To connect with the people and culture of a place, to encounter something new, or to get a fresh viewpoint. This technology has the potential to either help us or hurt us in the long run, and it simply depends on how we choose to utilize it.

The Metaverse won’t be able to fully take the place of travel any time soon. Still, it indeed has the potential to make travel more enjoyable and immersive while also making it more accessible. I think that when it is utilized appropriately, this technology has the potential to assist us in developing deeper connections to the tales, cultures, and histories of people from all over the globe.

Let’s Wrap it Up

The Metaverse is exciting, and we must start thinking about the rules and regulations to ensure that it remains free, open, and safe for all. While there are substantial exciting possibilities for the future of the Metaverse, we must be vigilant in protecting our users’ security and privacy.